Meet Claire




Qualified spiritual counsellor, life coach and hypnotherapist specialising in women’s emotional wellbeing, body image and empowerment.

I have helped clients feel better who were suffering with anxiety, relationship issues, low confidence/self esteem and issues with body image.

My mission is to empower you to feel your best, be your most authentic self so you can move through life the way you want to, handling anything that comes your way with grace, peace, balance and joy.

I’d love to help you create the life you want to live. If you’d like to find out more about how I might be able to help you, why not arrange a free 20 minute no obligation phone consultation and see how we go. Thereafter sessions can take place in person in the New Forest or on Zoom.

It would be an absolute honour to help you.


A spiritual perspective with a unique healing and intuitive approach, which aims to support your healing on a deep spiritual level.


Spiritual Counselling

I studied to become a spiritual counsellor with the Holistic Healing College.

It’s simply counselling from a spiritual perspective with a unique healing and intuitive approach, which aims to support your healing on a deep spiritual level.

It’s holistic, intuitive and can be whatever you need it to be, you can just come and talk, we might include some healing interventions such as visualisations, EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), CIT (Conscious Integration Technique) if appropriate and helpful. My sole aim is for you to leave feeling lighter and brighter than when you arrived, with your nervous system soothed, having felt heard, held and supported.

It is commonly quoted that ‘we have all the answers within’, my job is to help you find them and to provide tools for you to support yourself in between sessions.


NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming – uses specific techniques to help bring about positive change.

EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) – involves tapping energy points to release trauma.

TAT – Tapas Acupressure Technique – designed to eliminate negative effects of stress and trauma from unresolved past events – it involves gently holding acupressure points while placing attention on a series of affirmations and forgiveness statements.

CIT – Conscious Integration Technique – great for relationship healing and spiritual awareness and growth.

My therapist said I don’t think you have social anxiety.  I think you’re surrounded by the wrong people’  And that really hit me. The entire time you think it’s you it may just be the people around you are toxic and do not align with you.  Be very careful who you let in.” – Unknown

Session: 75 minutes | Price: £50


Break old patterns or habits, improve your health and relationships, remove blocks, self limiting beliefs and achieve your potential.


Life Coaching

Life Coaching can help you get clarity on where you’re going, break old patterns or habits, improve your health and relationships, remove blocks, self limiting beliefs and achieve your potential.

Coaching is more target focused and action orientated than counselling – you as the client take on more responsibility for your healing. You’ll get homework and feel empowered to create the life you want.

For me, coaching has really helped me recover from disordered eating and has removed so many of the blocks I had around body image. It’s been life changing, liberating and empowering.

I said to my body softly, I want to be your friend. It took a long breath and replied. I have waited my whole life for this.” – Nayyirah Waheed

Session: 75 minutes | Price: £50


A Soul Plan can help you understand yourself at a deeper level, your challenges in life and how to use your talents and strengths to overcome challenges.


Soul Plan

Haven’t we all wondered why we’re here, what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives, I think I spent a lot of my 30’s and 40’s in this headspace…

A Soul Plan reading can help you understand yourself at a deeper level, understand your challenges in life, how to use your talents and strengths to overcome the challenges and can point you in the direction most likely to light you up and fill you up.

We take your birth name, convert each of the letters into ancient Hebrew and this vibration then generates your ‘Star of Creation’

Your Star of Creation feels to me like a little gift from the Universe, it’s like a road map to find and fulfil our soul’s purpose this lifetime.

When I did mine, it made so much sense, the reading clarified a whole lot and made me focus on where I wanted to go I and how to get there.

Friends, family and clients have all been blown away by the accuracy of their Soul Plan.

Soul Plan is a really useful tool as part of the counselling experience, it might help us short cut some of the pain or challenges for you and lead us straight to the wisdom and clarity.

As you begin to align with who you are at a deep soul level, all other things tend to fall in line naturally.  We come to a place of no separation – our human selves and soul selves are aligned and working together as one.

Soul Plan Reading has been derived from ancient texts such as the Sefer Yetzirah, which explores creation of apparent reality through sound, letter and word. It also includes a method of gematria channelled by Frank Alper 1930-2007 in his Spiritual Numerology of Moses work. In the Soul Plan system the interpretations have been modernised, grounded and expanded by Holistic Healing College founder Blue Marsden.

Session: 90 minutes | Price: £75


A healing and supportive experience. It can make a very real difference, sometimes immediate difference to people’s lives.



I absolutely love hypnotherapy for its simplicity and effectiveness.

You’ll stay seated or lie down and I’ll take you into a deep meditative state and essentially make suggestions to your unconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy is nothing like what we see on stage. There will be no dancing like a chicken here, you may drift off into a dreamlike state, but you’ll remain aware of who you are, where you are and remember what happened during a hypnosis session. It is just a very healing and supportive experience.

It can make a very real difference, sometimes immediate difference to people’s lives.

It works really well for phobias, giving up smoking, changing eating habits, building confidence and boosting self-esteem. It can help with reducing stress and anxiety and can help with pain management.

Recordings can be taken away to listen to, to support your healing in between sessions.

Session: 75 minutes | Price: £75


A subtle energy flow that flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client that creates the relaxation and healing effect.



Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.” – William Rand

It’s based on the Asian concept of life energy and is done by laying on hands. A subtle energy flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client that creates the relaxation and healing effect. Can be described as universal healing energy.

Rei – source of the universe or higher mind
Ki – primal life energy of the universe

The purpose of Reiki is to heal and return all it touches to healthy functioning.

Reiki does this on all levels – body, mind and spirit.

You will remain fully clothed and the healing can be hands off or on the body.

I’m merely the channel for the healing energy, I allow the Reiki healing energy to flow through me and into you.

You might want a full reiki session to relax, rest and heal or you may just want 10 minutes after a counselling session to soothe.

The reiki itself would last about 45 minutes, the session in total would be 75 minutes to allow for a catch up at the beginning to see what is going on for you and a chat after to make sure you leave grounded and to discuss anything that came up during the reiki.

Reiki can be very helpful for chakra balancing, fatigue, emotional overwhelm, anxiety and stress.

Reiki is love, Love is wholeness, Wholeness is balance, Balance is wellbeing, Wellbeing is Freedom from Disease.” – Dr Mikai Usui

Session: 75 minutes | Price: £50


Pilates gives us an opportunity to honour our bodies, connect with our bodies and really feel how we are feeling.



I’ve been doing Pilates a long time now and started teaching in 2017. I love how it makes me feel, I love the feeling of a strong, flexible spine and being able to move without aching and pain.

I’ve become more aware of how we need to look after our bodies as a whole, emotionally, energetically and physically. Sometimes a good therapy session is all we need and sometimes we need to move the body, dance or shake it out or get on our mats.

Being on our mats gives us an opportunity to honour our bodies, connect with our bodies and really feel how we are feeling.  We can move through any stress and stuck energy and at the same time create a strong and flexible body.

Every day we feel different and have different energy levels and we need to respect that, however as my old Personal Trainer used to say – we never regret a workout however short.

We do not heal in isolation and I don’t think we heal our minds or emotions without healing our relationship with our bodies.

Change happens through movement, and movement heals.” – Joseph Pilates

I have a small studio in my garden here for a mat session or on the Pilates Reformer.

In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body.” – Joseph Pilates

Session: 60 minutes | Price: £50

What my clients are saying

I really enjoy my sessions with Claire

I feel safe and secure to be able to talk about my fears, troubles and daily life.  Claire makes me feel safe and offers an understanding, calm and safe space for me to be able to overcome my challenges.

I leave feeling calmer, stress levels much reduced and feel more positive having been given tools to help with the week ahead. – Faye Houghton

I felt that I could truly relax and be myself

I am so glad that I booked to see Claire. The moment you step through her door, you feel at ease. I trusted her with my thoughts straight away. Claire encourages self enquiry without pushing for a response. It felt very easy to talk about things that I would normally try and ignore.

This in itself was invaluable to me. It helped me deal with things and move on. I felt that I could truly relax and be myself.
Claire created an incredible connection with me, a rare and invaluable talent. I felt a huge sense of achievement for having looked at and dealt with a very painful issue from the past. I came to find peace and left with a huge amount of positive energy.

I’m so grateful for Claire and her healing, I would totally recommend to anyone in need of healing their soul. – Gillian Page

I felt less anxious and more able to cope

My sessions with Claire helped me release tension, feel more calm and relaxed. I felt less anxious and more able to cope with the decisions I had to make. Claire’s kind and calm nature made our sessions a safe and comforting space. – Hannah Bimpson

My Story

A lot of healers end up healing because they’ve had to heal themselves or someone very close to them.  I’m no different.
My issues with disordered eating started in my teens.  I don’t think I’d ever felt good enough which led to anxiety and depression,  continuous people pleasing and some very challenging relationships.

I started exploring alternative therapies to try to start to heal myself and the more I learnt and healed, the more I wanted to do the same for others.

At 50, reaching mid-life and going through menopause, life definitely has it’s moments but I can honestly say I’ve never felt happier, more empowered, more present, and more aligned with my values

I finally feel free to be me.
I love and accept the body I’m in.
I feel good about the choices I make.
People pleasing is a thing of the past.
I live in tune with my energy levels and the moon’s cycles.
I’m excited about my future and creating a life I love.


If you think I might be able to help you move towards living your best life, finding more joy, feeling better, loving your life more, then drop me a message using the form below.

Let's Connect

Minstead, New Forest

07815 118013

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